Comparative Systems to Alkalise and Ionise Water

Compare with market alternatives

What advantages does the Alkanatur Drops jug offer compared to other jugs on the market?

Alkanatur is the only company in the sector that invests in scientific studies that demonstrate the health benefits of our water.

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The Alkanatur Drops pitcher is the only pitcher designed and manufactured in Spain.

It is also the only one that has scientific studies that demonstrate its properties, with the most alkaline pH level , reaching up to 9.5 and rich in magnesium with 18 milligrams per liter.

It is the only one free of toxins emitted by plastics and free of ion exchange resin in its filter.

What is ion exchange resin? Below we tell you more!

Alkalisation Systems and Ion Exchange Resin

Reference:  Book "Home Without Toxics by Carlos de Prada"

Most conventional water purification jugs and water purification systems use ion exchange resin within their filters.

The main function of these resins is to lower the hardness of the water by exchanging magnesium and calcium ions for others such as sodium or potassium. The chemical composition of these resins is divinylbenzene (a mixture of benzene and styrene).

Different scientific investigations associate these chemical materials with damage to the immune system , various types of cancer, arrhythmias, asthma, vision disturbances, female infertility, and so on.availability, style, or even provide a review.

The importance of pH and ORP

To help prevent imbalances such as acidosis and oxidation, alkalizing and ionizing water is a good way to help our bodies*.

The ideal pH value is between 6.5 and 7.25 for urine  And between 7 and 7.5 for saliva .

To measure the pH we have two ways: through urine or saliva , always fasting and the ideal is to do it two or three days in a row and take the average.

For many doctors and integrative therapists, this value is of vital importance to help us improve and prevent many diseases .

You can measure the pH of your body through our test strips.

On the other hand, our study carried out by the University of Vigo shows that in some diseases (type 1 diabetes) the antioxidant capacity of our water reduces oxidative stress (free radicals) in an amazing way.

In the video below, the molecular biologist Rosa Monís demonstrates the extremely high antioxidant capacity with a value of -360 ORP (oxidation reduction potential in English) of the Alkanatur Jug .

Conventional Jugs

There are multiple brands on the market that have been established for a long time in our country that purify water. These jugs do not have any type of certification on endocrine disruptors emitted by plastics.

Endocrine disruptors are chemical substances foreign to the body that are capable of altering the hormonal balance of the body.

And not only that, these jugs offer very acid values ​​in the water they filter.

In existing studies, the pH levels of various jars were 5.77% and the law in Europe indicates that the minimum is 6.5% . In addition, they emit chlorides and their antioxidant capacity is nil. You can see it here .

The water filtered by these jugs does not have any antioxidant capacity .

Graduate in Physics from the University of Santiago de Compostela
Department of quality Alkanatur

Pitcher Made in China

The jug that we show in the photo is the most widespread model on the market.

The  Galician Institute of Ceramics belonging to the University of Santiago de Compostela specifically analyzes the filters of this pitcher . This analysis shows that the filter of this model emits very harmful substances into the water.

Fired clay pottery , a material used for the manufacture of the bricks, has also been found.

Silico-aluminous ceramic with calcite and dolomite is part of this clay, these  materials being very cheap  and although they alkalize the water at a low price, in the  medium/long term they can have consequences

Another  analysis carried out with the Food Safety Service (CACTI) belonging to the University of Vigo , shows that this model emits 3 times more sodium than tap water.

Regarding the plastic in this jug, the manufacturer certifies that it is free of BPA, but they do not certify that it does not contain other endocrine disruptors that plastics emit that are equal to or more dangerous than Bisphenol A.

According to this analysis carried out at the Galician Institute of Ceramics for Alkanatur, fired clay pottery has been found , a material used to make bricks.

Silico-aluminous ceramic with calcite and dolomite is part of this clay, these materials being very cheap and although they alkalize the water at a low price, in the medium/long term they can have consequences .

  • Study Pitcher with filter made in China

Pitcher Made in Korea

This jug of Korean origin, after having been analyzed by the Food Safety and Sustainable Development Service belonging to the University of Vigo, which you can see in the analyzes shown below , gives results that triple the recommended values ​​(0.1 - 10) by the ISO 14911 standard.

Chloride (16 mg/l) and sodium (31 mg/l) emission values ​​are very high. To put it in context, tap water has a value before filtering of 8.3 mg/l in chlorides and 7 mg/l in sodium.

Therefore, this pitcher significantly increases the sodium values ​​in the water. That is, add salt to the water.

The WHO recommends a maximum of 5 grams of salt per day due to all the risks associated with its excessive consumption. If you want to know more about the dangers of sodium, you can watch the video of Dr. Marti Bosch.

Regarding the amount of magnesium , contrary to what is advertised, its contribution is poor : 4.6 mg/l demonstrable in the study we carried out. Tap water contains 2.6 mg/l.

Finally, regarding the plastic of this jug, the manufacturer certifies that it is free of BPA but, like the Chinese jug, they do not certify that it does not contain other endocrine disruptors that plastics emit equal to or more dangerous than Bisphenol A.

Study Jug with filter made in China on sodium emission

According to this analysis carried out at CACTI(Food Safety Service belonging to the University of Vigo) the Chinese jug triples the sodium emission compared to the Alkanatur Drops jug.

Study Jar of Korean origin

According to this analysis carried out at CACTI (Food Safety Service belonging to the University of Vigo) the Korean AceBio Water jug ​​doubles the chloride levels compared to tap water and quadruples the values ​​with sodium .

The contribution of magnesium is very poor compared to the Alkanatur pitcher. 4.6mg/l against 18mg/l of our jug.

Conclusion on These Jugs

The mission of the jugs to alkalize water is in no case to add contaminants. It is preferable not to filter water than to do so with this type of jug.

Before buying, ask for a certificate issued by a reputable institution regarding the chlorides and sodium emitted by the jug.

In view of the results obtained by other jugs on the market, we recommend that all people interested in purchasing water filter jugs  ask vendors and manufacturers for studies carried out with the elements used in their products .

Comparison: Chinese glass pitcher and Alkanatur Drops pitcher

Our Alkanatur Drops jar is completely free of endocrine disruptors . This is supported by the  study carried out at the IBS (Biosanitary Institute of Granada, directed by the prestigious professor Nicolás Olea).

In addition, the water filtered by the Alkanatur Drops jug provides 18 mg/l of magnesium . This is demonstrated in the following certificate that you can see here.

If you want more information about the Alkanatur Pitcher  Jug, click here.