Alkaline Water Information

Alkaline water

Information and basic concepts

What is alkaline water?

Alkaline water is water with a pH greater than 8.

Alkaline water, like any water, is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen (H2O). The difference with other waters is in the pH level. Alkalinity is a property opposed to acidity, so it is a non-acidic water. 

As we discussed, the H2O water molecule is made up of  two hydrogen atoms and a single oxygen atom . What not everyone knows is that the water molecule does not have the two hydrogen atoms aligned, but rather they form an  angle of approximately 105º  and this gives the water molecule properties that make it compatible to be the authentic Fountain of life. If this angle were not so, the water molecule under normal conditions would be a gas and life forms as we know them could not exist.

What is pH?

pH is the acidity or alkalinity of a liquid.

pH, or hydrogen ion potential, is a measure of the acidity, neutrality, or alkalinity of an aqueous solution . The pH indicates the concentration of hydrogen ions present in certain solutions.

In nature,  all substances have  what chemists call  pH , hydrogen ion potential, which is nothing more than the measure of the number of H3O and OH- that a substance has in the liquid phase. Some  water molecules , although its formula is H2O due to its activity,  lose one of the hydrogens  to a neighboring molecule, remaining as OH- and its neighbor as H3O+.

In  pure water  we can measure the number of molecules that have separated in this way and since it depends on the temperature, we measure it at 25ºC. We see that the concentration is 10-7M, which means that very few molecules have separated or we can say that a randomly chosen molecule separates approximately every 10 hours.

When we have the  same concentration of H3O+ as OH-  we say that the substance is  neutral .

To measure the concentrations, a scale has been devised, which indicates from a very high concentration of H3O+ (the lowest values ​​of the scale) to concentrations in which there is hardly any free H3O+ (the highest values ​​of the scale).

How is pH measured?

On a logarithmic scale.

The pH is measured on a logarithmic scale since the amounts have a very high range from the acidic concentrations with 10E-1 concentrations to the most alkaline 10E-14 concentrations. 

pH = −log10 [H3O+]

As the central value we use the  value 7  since the  natural concentration  that appears in  pure water  is 10E-7 as we have said, applying the pH formula gives us the value 7.

Any  value less than 7  indicates that it has a greater amount of H3O+, therefore  acid  , and a  value greater than 7  indicates that the substance is  alkaline .

How is alkaline water obtained?

We can  obtain alkaline water  in different ways:

Buying  bottled water  with the consequence of its subsequent  waste of plastic  for the environment, knowing that 1 liter bottle is equivalent to 162 grams of oil and that many of these bottles will end up in the sea.

It can also be achieved at home by  boiling water for 5 minutes  to increase the pH of the water to 8.4 or by adding  half a tablespoon of baking soda to a glass of water , increasing its pH to 7.9. In both options it is important to use distilled water because tap water or bottled water may contain other additives and toxins, and although it raises the pH, it does not have the antioxidant power of ionized alkaline water. In addition, the use of bicarbonate can produce an excess of sodium with which one should be careful.

Finally, we can obtain alkaline water through water purifiers such as the  jug designed by Alkanatur , whose natural coconut activated filter absorbs sediments, bacteria and toxins, providing  quality alkaline water .

With the  Alkanatur Jug  you get  pure and healthy alkaline water  , with a fast filtering system and all you need is tap water. Eliminating 99% of pesticides, heavy metals, trihalomethanes and obtaining  excellent-tasting water  since it eliminates chlorin

What benefits does alkaline water have?

Neutralize acids, balance pH, eliminate toxins from the body, improve digestion...

Natural antacid

Our  lifestyle  (bad diet, sedentary lifestyle, stress, environmental toxicity...) can  unbalance our body pH, producing what scientists call mild metabolic acidosis.

To rebalance our bodies,  alkaline ionized water  with its high pH  aids digestion  and improves our intestinal health.

It is recommended for chronic diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, and diseases of the stomach or intestine.

Drinking  alkaline water combats toxins , acid residues and body waste, thus  avoiding fluid retention , since the body will be balanced and cells will not be forced to retain fluids to combat acidosis.

Reduces fatigue

Alkaline water is highly  recommended for athletes  as it improves the body's shock absorbing capacity,  reduces fatigue  and  regulates the acidity  that occurs when exercising.

When we do high-impact exercise, acids increase and this makes it difficult to eliminate lactic acid from the muscles, so to avoid this situation it is important to eat a light diet and hydrate with alkaline water before and after exercise.

Natural Antioxidant

The word  antioxidant  has been in vogue for many years. Vegetables or anti-aging creams, for example, use the term antioxidant as  something positive  that provides health, but the general public has probably never taken five minutes to reflect on what antioxidants are and why it is good to include them in our lives.

As we all know, the  human body  is a well-oiled machine that  runs on food , just like a car needs gasoline. Both systems process the fuel and eliminate some waste, the cars in the engine and the cells of our body in the mitochondria.

The body's waste comes from  obtaining energy from food  in our cells, through chemical reactions in which some substances are converted into others, releasing energy. As an analogy with the car, we can say that when gasoline is introduced into the engine it burns and we take advantage of the heat from this ignition to move the vehicle.

Some easily removable waste is produced through the exhaust pipe and others that little by little can degrade the engine.

In the same way, our body can easily eliminate the bulk of the  harmful  waste  substances , but a part that is more difficult to eliminate may remain, the free radicals .

A free radical is a molecule, which has a positive charge because it has lost an electron and desperately searches for any molecule that comes its way.

The problem arises when this  free radical strips electrons from our healthy cells,  causing them to become unstable because they need their electron.

The damage that is caused to the  cells  makes them less and  less efficient  and makes it increasingly difficult for them to fight free radicals. Helping our cells get rid of free radicals can make them survive longer and better.

This is where  antioxidants come into play . Antioxidants are molecules with the capacity to  give up an electron to free radicals  and make them stable again. We achieve that free radicals do not need to attack our cells to search for electrons, but instead obtain them directly from antioxidants, leaving our cells without waste that is difficult to eliminate.

Antioxidants are found naturally in nature in various  foods  and also in  water .

To measure the  amount of free electrons in water  we can use a measure called  ORP  (oxidation reduction potential). The ORP measures the  ability to release electrons , acting as an antioxidant. When the charge of the electrons is negative, the lower its antioxidant value will be the water. 

As we have seen, drinking  alkaline water  due to its greater  antioxidant power*  favors the elimination of free radicals and therefore improves our cellular health. If we improve the machinery from the inside, it will be noticed from the outside.

Good for the Environment

Drinking  alkaline water  not only has benefits for our health, but also  helps reduce the use of single-use plastic  by avoiding the purchase of bottled water. The direct consequence of helping the environment is also saving  money  in our pocket.

For all these reasons, the Alkanatur jug is a solution with a quality guarantee, with the best materials, manufactured in Spain and with all the corresponding certifications, complying with the standards required by European regulations.