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Interview with Dr. Julio Luque, CEO and Founder of Balans Pharma

Interview with Dr. Julio Luque, CEO and Founder of Balans Pharma

"We take the person as a biologically complex being, who must recover their homeostasis and the only way is through integrative medicine"

Dr. Julio Luque, a perspective from the world of probiotics

Dr. Julio Luque , has a degree in Medicine and Surgery from the National University of Córdoba, Argentina and is a Cardiologist from the University and René Favaloro Foundation in Buenos Aires. He has worked in places such as the René Favaloro Hospital , the Dexeus Clinic in Barcelona, ​​the General Hospital of Catalonia , as well as collaborating as a medical advisor in various international institutions and laboratories. He is currently CEO & Founder of Balans Pharm a, a laboratory producing probiotic combinations and Probiotic-organogenic formulations  located in Sofia, Bulgaria.

1. How long has the world of probiotics been around?

It was in the early 1900s when the Russian researcher Elie Metchnikoff (Nobel Prize 1908) first attributed the excellent health of the Balkan population to the use of large amounts of fermented milk with a high content of beneficial bacteria. Later beneficial bacteria were called "probiotics", a word originating from the Greek meaning "pro life", that is, they favor life.

In the case of our Laboratory, based in Bulgaria, we must emphasize the following: Dr. Stamen Grigorov in 1905 (1878 -1945), while still a medical student, discovered in a more formal way the bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus , responsible for the fermentation of milk and which were already known to the ancient Thracians who lived in the territory of modern Bulgaria from 6000-7 000 a.m. C. They used them to induce the fermentation of sheep's milk to obtain yogurt, cheese, etc. , and they would be the first probiotic foodsin the world. Hence the enormous longevity of the Bulgarian population with an average life expectancy greater than in the rest of Europe.

In the year 1950 the use of probiotic-based supplements was approved . But over time the immense power of the pharmaceutical industry relegated the use of probiotics to the background. However, today the interest in natural products is increasing globally and probiotics are once again gaining the interest they deserve.

At present, the demand for this type of product is very high, partly because the patient/consumer is more informed of the harmful effect of an unbalanced intestinal flora  and the harmful effects of bad lifestyle habits.

2. Is it known that antibiotics are the main destroyers of intestinal macrobiotics. What does he tell us about respect?

Whether there is sufficient evidence of the deleterious effect of antibiotics . Since if we take into account, not only the excessive use of antibiotics at an early age, but the continuous use during the growth phase of our children. As Dr. Perlmutter comments in his book " Feed your brain ", it causes the body to enter into a constant inflammatory process , preventing the intestinal flora from repopulating with Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria that can protect us from the proliferation of pathogens.

Because in that sense, post-antibiotic therapy with specific probiotics for this purpose is not always followed. In the case of other types of diseases such as obesity, ADD, ADHD, exactly the same thing happens. There is evidence that diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's have their origin in processes derived from macrobiotics. You have to look for the cause, not just mitigate its effect.

We must not forget that the immune system is not anywhere else but in the intestine . We are talking about more than 2 kilograms of microbiota, which constantly protects us, fighting against the proliferation of pathogens.

At Balans Pharma we work with more than 30 probiotic combinations to control a similar number of recurring diseases , which range from Diabetes, Cholesterolemia, Obesity, to refractory chronic constipation and Crohn's disease . To all those interested, you can write me directly to my email, and I will gladly send you our Vademecum in PDF format.

3. Does the spectacular increase in candidiasis and intestinal diseases have a solution from your point of view?

In that sense, it has a directly proportional relationship. In studies carried out at the University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria, it has been determined that the increase in vaginal candidiasis is a consequence of the lack of response of the immune system to counteract the proliferation of Candida albicans.

We have specific products for this purpose. Vaginal tablets produced based on Lactobacillus Acidophillus AC, with antimicrobial action, and oral tablets for consumption by both the woman and her heterosexual partner, since contagion is imminent during sexual intercourse.

Said therapeutic action is related to the increase in the acidity of the medium in which Candida albicans develops, and the increase in peptides with antimicrobial action. In this way we can prevent the pathogen from developing optimally. In this culture study, the total reduction of the pathogen agent occurred at 72 hours, while the number of living cells of the probiotic agent continues to grow exponentially.

4. What would be your opinion about integrative medicine and how your laboratory interacts with it?

In my opinion, we should do a little on our part, firstly to banish the concept of alternative medicine since it is on the lips of many professionals; both allopathic and holistic medicine. Both are necessary, but always in search of balance.

We must take the patient as a person. Not as an element from the mercantilist point of view. We must resume listening to the patient. Because perhaps the cause of his problem lies in his family or personal environment and no one has discovered it. Or he himself has not realized it.

Our slogan clearly summarizes the objectives of our laboratory: Professional ethics. true health. We take the person as a biologically complex being, who must recover his homeostasis. And the only way is through integrative medicine.

5. When you contacted us, your idea was to combine Diaterom (leading product) with Alkanatur ionized alkaline water. What can this association contribute?

Bearing in mind that the internal environment is the basis with which our cells interact, I saw very clearly that through Alkanatur ionized-alkalized water and our patented Diaterom Probiotic-organogenic formula, designed to alleviate the effects of Metabolic Syndrome (Hypercholesterolemia-Hypertriglyceridemia-Hypertension and Hyperglycemia/Diabetes Mellitus conjunction), we can create a synergy of unique biological value. in the world .

The alkalizing-oxide-reducing effect of water, added to the powerful sequestering effect of bile acids-glucose in the blood-flexibility of the venous and arterial walls; we will have in our hands an unprecedented therapeutic tool. In the near future, we would like to establish the bases of a metabolic action protocol.

6. What do you think about natural medicine?

In a time in which many patients are overmedicated, self-medicated excessively with anti-inflammatories and antibiotics, and in which we have forgotten that we are natural and biological beings, endowed with 80-90% water at birth, and 70% upon reaching adulthood. That has a very important relevance.

I want to emphasize water as an element to be more objective. Beyond the fact that it is food, it must be of quality, as is the case with the filtered water with your Alkanatur jug. I cannot stop referring to Hippocrates since our food must be our medicine. Undoubtedly there have to be changes in this sense, bringing us a balance and an integrative medicine. Healthier and more human without side effects and contraindications.

7. As a user of Alkanatur water, what is your opinion of our pitcher?

In my opinion, the result is surprising. A water with a very pleasant flavor and very rapid assimilation is appreciated. You can drink a significant amount without affecting stomach emptying too much, which is vital in the elderly.

Since it is recommended to drink 1 liter every 30 kilograms of body weight in sedentary people, ionized water using the Alkanatur jug ​​is a 100% recommended product. It has a very affordable cost, apart from some benefits for the health of our patients in terms of hydration.

Personally, and the rest of my family, I have noticed a considerable increase in urination, both in quantity and frequency. At the intestinal level, it helps to correct the frequency of stool deposition. The detoxifying effect in one week is visibly appreciated. As for sweating, those of us who do physical activity on a daily basis notice a decrease in sweat acidity, as a consequence of alkalinization at the level of intra and extracellular fluids.


He wants to thank Dr. Julio Luque for his contribution, his time and help in this conversation. It has been very helpful for us to obtain a professional point of view from the perspective of the world of probiotics.

 (*) WARNING: Based on available scientific information. The mentions have not been evaluated by EFSA. Our water is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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