A particular vision with Dr. Angel Luis Torres Moya on natural and integrative medicine:
From Almuñecar (Granada), Dr. Angel Luis Torres Moya, a doctor in general medicine and supportive of integrative medicine, gives us a few lines from his time, contributing his perspective and professional approach to integrative and natural medicine.
1. How long have you been practicing?
I have been enrolled in the College of Physicians of Granada since April 1982 (34 years of practice). In addition to my degree as a general practitioner , I have a 2-year specialization course in acupuncture and a multitude of training in different techniques that I apply in consultation . Even today I am in the process of training because the number of studies and discoveries is so great that we are all overwhelmed and we have to limit the field of work. I have been working at the San Juan de Almuñécar Medical Center (Granada) for 22 years .
2. What motivated you to work with natural medicine?
From 1978 onwards, at the Faculty of Medicine of Granada, a great Psychiatrist, now deceased, Dr. José Peral , dazzled us with his talks, making us see that "Official Medicine" was a reductionist vision of MEDICINE with a capital letter, and that Acupuncture , Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, Macrobiotics, Phytotherapy ... had much to contribute to the field of Health. Sometimes these techniques were even more effective than the official version, and with the added value of having fewer side effects (today, Official Medicine recognizes that around 20% of diseases are iatrogenic, that is, diseases caused by medication and procedures that are administered to patients in Health Centers and Hospitals).
In a 2-year course, he showed us and demonstrated in practice how to successfully approach many diseases from this new perspective.
3. Every day you hear more about integrative medicine that includes the best techniques of conventional and natural medicine. Do you think it is a passing fad or something lasting?
That Official Medicine works is not questionable: Life expectancy is much higher than in past times, and to doubt its effectiveness (despite iatrogenicity), is not to recognize the truth.
I recognize some problems in Official Medicine that are difficult to overcome:
A. Pharmaceuticals are companies that live off their profits. This causes the advertising to be biased: benefits are highlighted and side effects are downplayed. On the other hand, the information transmitted to professionals is also biased. On the other hand, everything that could lead to competition and as such a decrease in income is denigrated. Currently there is a very powerful campaign against Homeopathy , and whoever speaks ill of it simply has not bothered to know it and see its results.
The fact that we currently do not have technology that can demonstrate how these infinitesimal dilutions of active ingredient in water work is a problem for Science, but Evidence-based Medicine shows without the slightest doubt that the level of efficacy is very high and decisive (as long as the professional is well qualified, obviously). Taking Homeopathy out of the Faculties of Medicine is an act of Talibanism or an unacceptable inquisitorial act. I would like to know who or who is behind this campaign against Homeopathy.
B. The State Budgets to maintain the Health System are limited, and evidently there is no "money for everything". Even if you don't like it, you have to limit and optimize the benefits of the National Health System. But it hurts a lot that so many "official" and "complementary" doctors are constantly criticizing and accusing each other.
Integrative Medicine is a breath of fresh air and an open-mindedness , where it is recognized that any well-trained professional can help to recover health and that we must forget about criticizing other professionals who have been trained differently. Criticizing from ignorance is something unacceptable.
4. What protocol or methodology do you use in your clinic when a new patient arrives?
Everything is based on the anamnesis (interview). Depending on what the patient tells us, the examinations and actions will be different. I get a good percentage of "bounced" who have gone through general practitioners, specialists and hospitals, that is, they have exhausted the official route. In these cases, I perform an Electronic Scan of the body based on impedance (resistance of the organs to the passage of a small electrical voltage), a Food Intolerance Test to avoid certain foods that are not suitable for that specific person and an Iomet Profile.to determine how the different biological terrains are, a tool created by the Nutergia Laboratory that provides us with a lot of information on how the person is and gives us guidelines to follow to restore their health.
5. In what type of pathologies does your methodology have the best results? .
Undoubtedly in functional diseases, that is, in those situations in which the function of the organ is altered (the organ does not work properly), but the organ itself is not yet damaged and is recoverable. For example, in a cirrhotic, the liver is very damaged and the results will be poor, but if it comes with an overload of the liver, the result will be excellent and total healing will be achieved. The patient will then be informed of what has led to this disease (alcohol, tobacco, excessive junk food, eating excesses...) so that he can correct his harmful habits.
6. In your action protocol there are two very important areas in which you recommend our Alkanatur Drops jug: The acidic and oxidized area. What is your experience and that of your patients in the application of our water?
All metabolic waste (what remains after eating) is acidic . When metabolizing proteins, fats and carbohydrates, an acid residue remains that we must eliminate. If the person has impaired liver, kidneys, intestines or lungs, or if the person does not drink a minimum of water, does not eat well and follows an acidifying diet based on excess protein and refined products, a metabolic acidosis is created that causes the body to malfunction and multiple diseases appear, including the risk of cancer (acidosis is said to be the gateway to cancer ) .
On the other hand, over time, oxygen, which is essential for life, creates free radicals that attack and age the body. It is a natural process that we become oxidized with age, but environmental pollution, highly processed and refined foods, tobacco, excessive exercise, etc., accelerate this oxidative process. It is not uncommon to see a very rusty person at the age of 20 and, on the contrary, to see a person at the age of 70 with little oxidation because throughout his life he has taken care of himself and "has done his homework".
Many patients who have been tossing and turning for a long time in official medicine (which fully recognizes these states of acidity and oxidation, but does not contemplate their treatment) have excellent results as soon as you treat them.
7. In your opinion, what is the reason for the spectacular increase in the so-called diseases of modern society (cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, obesity...)?
We live in a globally sick society , with a lot of stress, competition, contradictory messages, manipulation at all levels (politics, family, media, school, university, social environment). A brutal level of contamination. Genetically modified foods that the body cannot assimilate, preservatives, refined foods, intensive (non-biological) agriculture full of insecticides and pesticides, meat, fish and eggs from animals that have been fed with feed made with nutrients of more than doubtful quality (think of the case of Mad Cow disease)... The entire human Ecosystem is altered and that obviously takes its toll on us .
It especially hurts me that at a basic level young people are not taught at school and in high school about these problems and how to try to alleviate them. The ancestral human being survived because in the tribe they were cooperative and they faced their problems always covered by the group. Our genome is designed to cooperate and what we are teaching is just the opposite: fierce rivalry and competition… All this has to take its toll on us!
8. What general opinion do you have about our Alkanatur Drops jug? .
The Alkanatur Drops jug, using tap water, in addition to purifying, strongly alkalinizes and ionizes the water, thus helping to combat two of the main problems: acidity and oxidation . It also eliminates chlorine from the water, which although it helps to eradicate pathogenic bacteria is very reactive and alters the proper functioning of cells and organs. The jug has the enormous advantage of being affordable, simple and does not require expert maintenance. When the person detects that the filter is running out, it replaces it with another without problems. Another great advantage is its versatility: since it is a jug, you can transport it wherever you want and it does not require installation. Reverse osmosis equipment does not have these advantages, in addition to being more expensive and requiring qualified personnel.
As a supporter of integrative medicine, for me without a doubt the best current option is the Alkanatur Drops jar, and the results in chronic diseases are not long in coming . It is a valuable tool that I especially recommend to patients whose degree of acidity and oxidation is high.
We know of your busy schedule, for this reason, from Alkanatur we want to thank Doctor Angel Luis for his predisposition and collaboration towards us. Few medical professionals are willing to give up a few minutes of their time in such a kind and selfless way.
(*) WARNING: Based on available scientific information. The mentions have not been evaluated by EFSA. Our water is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.