Interview with Ricardo Eiriz, Creator of the Integra Method and author of the book "El Alma de la Salud"

Interview with Ricardo Eiriz, Creator of the Integra Method and author of the book "El Alma de la Salud"

Ricardo Eiriz, new professional perspectives of a coach from the Integra Method

"We are not predestined to suffer from any disease, we do not get sick by chance, the disease is a natural reaction of our organism to adapt to the environment in which we are making it live, and if we are able to change that environment, the disease disappears on its own."

After having dedicated himself for more than 25 years to the business world, to business management, and to university teaching, Ricardo Eiriz decided in 2009 to radically change his profession , to become a professional of his own happiness .

He left behind a wealthy and highly paid position, as well as all his university and postgraduate studies, to dedicate himself to investigating the energetic world in which we live, and more specifically, the mind and the subconscious , what really leads us to act the way we do, and create the reality we have, currently being a world authority on these issues.

He affirms that his mission is to transform the world, by helping people to develop their full potential. As a consequence, he decided to change his profession to "Be happy and help others to be happy too" .

He is the creator of the INTEGRA Method , a revolutionary transformation methodology at the subconscious level, which allows access to the depths of our mind to extract our full potential, easily, quickly and without suffering.

He has published five books, “ INTEGRA Method ”, “ The Soul of Health ”, “ Aim High ”, “ A Course in Happiness ”, and “ Choose your path to happiness and success ”, all of them aimed at subconsciously transforming the reader.

Through the Integra Method Organization , made up of hundreds of instructors around the world, he teaches multiple courses aimed at improving people's lives, the best known being the Happiness Course and the INTEGRA Method course .

More information: ,

1._Is it difficult to be happy when you are sick?

It depends... Without a doubt, everything that leads us to lose balance has a direct impact on our mental and emotional state. Illness is one of those elements that, to a large extent, leads you to focus your thoughts on the material and physical side of life.

But in reality it will be your beliefs, which direct your unconscious responses, that will determine how difficult it is for you to maintain your balance and inner peace in any situation.

Happiness is not an emotion, but a state of being , an inner state of peace, balance, satisfaction, well-being,... Emotions are ephemeral, they disappear after a few minutes, hours, or weeks. Happiness does not have to disappear.

In fact, being happy is compatible with feeling other types of "negative" emotions . Fully happy people are much more prepared to manage those situations that arise in life that we dislike, such as illnesses.

2._Why the book the Soul of Health…what motivated you to write it?

When I decided that my profession was to be happy , and what leads people to make the most of ourselves, or to sink into misery in the face of the same circumstances. Think, for example, of an accident, an earthquake, or any other shocking situation. In these situations, there are people who connect with an inner force that leads them to give the best of themselves, while others sink, being unable to get out of the well, and requiring the help of others.

During this research process, I read hundreds of books, I "discovered" the energetic reality of which we are a part, as well as the duality of the mind, conscious and unconscious, and I delved into the different ways we have to get to reprogram our subconscious. In this process, I came across many studies that, from different perspectives, addressed the issue of health. All of them showed a totally different reality from the traditional message that we have been receiving through official channels.

We are not predestined to suffer from any disease, we do not get sick by chance, the disease is a natural reaction of our body to adapt to the environment in which we are making it live, and if we are able to change that environment, the disease disappears on its own. We should not fight against disease, but put our body to generate health, since health and disease are incompatible .

That knowledge was making a dent in my interior, and after a while I saw myself with the moral obligation to write this book. In addition, doing it with the same approach as in my other books, totally practical and aimed at the inner transformation of the reader to develop habits that generate health at all times.

3._In your courses you work a lot on the emotional and unconscious part... how are both aspects managed?

All our emotions are triggered automatically without conscious control. It is our subconscious that decides the emotions we feel at every moment. If I'm walking down the street and see a loose dog running towards me, I don't think “I'm going to be scared right now”. I directly react without thinking feeling that fear. The same goes for all the other emotions we feel in our lives.

Changing the emotions we feel is not a matter of repressing or taming them, but rather reprogramming our subconscious so that those emotions do not occur, or if they do, they disappear easily and quickly.

That is basically what we do in the INTEGRA Method, change our programming at a subconscious level to become the person we really want to be.

4._For you there are 4 basic pillars to maintain optimal health… physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, can you tell us a little about it.

As I told you at the beginning of the interview, any element that makes us lose balance has a direct impact on our mental and emotional state , but it also has a physical impact on our body.

I like to structure it around these four pillars because it seems very easy to transmit and understand. Imagine that you are a tightrope walker moving on a rope that is tied to 4 anchor points. As is evident, if any of these points loosens, it will be very difficult for you to maintain your balance, and possibly you will fall. Well, the same thing happens to all of us with these four pillars. If in any of them we deviate, we have a risk factor for losing health.

The physical pillar is made up of all those physical and energetic elements external to oneself, with which we are in contact on a daily basis. Food, both the food we eat and the way to do it; the toxic products that we ingest, put on our skin or inhale; the electromagnetic fields to which we are exposed; the importance of sun and exercise; and many others.

Any part of our body that we stop using is atrophying. The same thing happens to our brain. Hence the importance of staying active at all times. This is a part of the content of the mental pillar. The other part deals with becoming aware of the importance of our beliefs in the creation of health. And of course in its reprogramming to align our subconscious with that health creation.

The emotional pillar leads us to understand the world of emotions, to know how to interpret and manage them. And also to know how to free ourselves from the emotional blocks that we carry inside, and that are one of the main elements that lead us to get sick.

The conception of life and death that we have largely determines our way of living. Behind this understanding are hidden countless beliefs that lead us to live with freedom and confidence, or with fears, attachments and insecurities.

Any of the elements that make up these four pillars has a direct impact on the generation of acidity or alkalinity in our body . And let's not forget that it is in acidic environments that diseases thrive.

5._In the physical part, water is a therapeutic element with great potential, what do you think about it? … you are using our Alkanatur pitcher… what can you tell all our readers about it?

Water is a fantastic element, with great plasticity at a structural level, and a very powerful memory effect. Just think of the work of Masaru Emoto, or homeopathy, based precisely on the memory of water.

Through the drink we are alkalizing or acidifying our body. The more we are able to alkalize it, the more we will be creating health, and the more we will keep diseases from our lives.

I have been able to verify that the Alkanatur jug ​​has a rapid alkalizing effect, which is even perceived in the taste of the water. Consequently, it can be a good companion in our homes.


Many thanks to Ricardo Eiriz for his disinterested testimonial collaboration and his good work with this blog.




(*) WARNING: Based on available scientific information. The mentions have not been evaluated by EFSA. Our water is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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